In this article, we are going to look at Delhi, NCR air pollution live updates. The situation in Delhi, NCR is getting worse and worse in terms of its air quality. There has been a very bad quality in Delhi, NCR for the past 8 days and it is still continuous. The toxic haze has now covered the entire Delhi. The residents of Delhi, NCR are currently facing a lot of problems. The air quality remains very disturbing because of the burning in the neighboring states along with a fall in the temperature and low wind speed. Currently, Delhi is at its peak level in the team of bad air quality. Now check out this entire article to learn everything about the current situation of Delhi, NCR in terms of air pollution.

Delhi-NCR Air Pollution
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The condition in Delhi remains severe because of the air pollution. The government is currently going to re-introduce the flagship odd-even scheme after Diwali 2023. This scheme is going to start in Delhi after 13th November 2023 and this scheme is going to remain applicable till 20th November 2023 because of the expectations of the deterioration in the air quality. On 6th November 2023, Monday, the level of air pollution was high by seven or eight times. It has reported that the situation after Diwali is going to be more worsen because people are going to burn crackers. Look at the next paragraph of this article to learn about the live updates of Delhi air pollution reports.

If we take a look at the Delhi, NCR air pollution live update on 3rd November 2023, the 24-hour average AQI was 468 which has been recorded as the worst from the previous AI of 471 which was registered in 2021 on 12th November. According to the source, the Central Pollution Control Board has recently released data. As per the data it has been showcased that between 20th October 2023 to 3rd November 2023 the Delhi AQI has surged by more than 200 points and it is registered by severe plus air quality on 3rd November 2023. To know more scroll down to the next paragraph of this article.

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) in Delhi, NCR has claimed that 4,160 farm fires were recorded from the North of India on 5th November 2023, because of that there is a lot of pollution in Delhi NCR right now. The entire Delhi is currently covered with a layer of bad pollution. Many people are facing a lot of problems in taking a breath as this pollution is very harmful. Many people also face headaches because of air pollution.


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